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New stratagy : Predator shooting guide - now I am back from a long holiday I am able to start writing agian.

Well a new month and new changes. Firstly, you will notice the change in the stlye of the page, the links are now to your left, it still looks a little bland, but hopefully that will be changed pretty soon.

Secondly with the new month, I have released another stratagy. Now the walking section is finished I am starting on the shooting section, and to start it off I have begun with the alien.

Also, I would like to announce my intentions of starting a walk-through guide once my general multiplayer stratagies are done, it is a bit late to start this, since I am sure people have found other resources or finished the game already, but no AVPGuides site should be without one.

Well not much has changed recently, and my stratagies have currently slowed, but I have made some minor changes, the site is now submitted to several search engines using, and now there is a link to this at the bottom of this page. I have also put several flash objects onto the site, now if you go to the site URL, you will find a new flash movie at the front (short and not great, but it looks ok) and a flash music player, if you will, at the navigation area. This basically reflects what I am listening to, and is just a nice touch. All bands are copyright to their respective owners.

Lastly, I apologise for the lack of stratagies once again, but I am currently working on a new design for the site, so I'll keep you posted.

Ok, got some new stratagies out, and after some time of pondering how to approach human walking guide, I decided to go in head first and see what I came up with, so here it is now on the site under the marines section, so go over and have a read now.

Well, got my exams over with today, so I can spend more time online (to whose benefit i do not know), but I added a counter today and you will now notice a Privacy Statement icon down there, and all images I use (so far) are creations of my own, so if you want to use them officially then please contact me first, I would greatly appreciate that, thanks. Almost forgot to add, I put a new link up on the links page, Clan Frag Machina.

Well at long last the sites launched. Well I tried to write stratagies for, but I didn't have the time to do it on a regular basis, so I gave up and made this site. It may still be a bit buggy, if so get me on the contact section and sent me an e-mail. Enjoy!


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